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Nutrition Basics For Pets

Essential Minerals for Optimal Health

Two of the body’s most important minerals are calcium and phosphorus, both of which work towards a variety of healthy bodily functions. The more significant of the two, calcium, is best known for its use in the formation of bones, but also helps blood coagulation and muscle contraction, among other things. It can be found in dairy products and leguminous plants as well as bones themselves. Phosphorus is most often obtained from meat, especially organ meat. Meat-Cuts-SliderThe ratio of these minerals that pets need is not exactly precise, and is around 1.2 parts calcium for every 1 part phosphorus. The most difficult part of balancing this requirement is that many foods high in one mineral are low in another. Due to the importance of both, however, it is necessary that care is taken when planning your pet’s mineral intake. Raw, meaty bones about 4 or 5 times a week will provide your pet with the calcium it needs. Of these times, 3 bones should be from poultry like turkey or chicken, but the others should be non-poultry so that your pet’s diet is diverse.
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