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What Vets Say…

Vets on commercial pet foods

Dr. Ian Billinghurst, B.V.Sc.(Hons), BSc.Agr., Dip.Ed.
“There are many reasons why the commercial pet foods have never been close to a dog’s natural diet. Those reasons include the fact that they are based on grain, and that they are cooked.”


Dr. Charles E Loops, DVM
“Science Diet & Hill’s dog & cat food products are not good diets. They use chemical preservatives that have been shown to cause problems in some animals & they use by-products, which are words on the ingredient label that need to be avoided at all costs. This generally means food not utilized for human consumption.”


CJ Puotinen, The Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care
“Healthy cats & dogs can eat just about any meat & survive, if not thrive. Their stomachs contain high concentrations of hydrochloric acid & digestive juices & their digestive tracts host an abundance of beneficial bacteria, making it difficult for harmful bacteria to survive.”

Canine Health Concern
From the British Journal of Small Animal Practice: “A growing number of vets state that processed pet food is the main cause of illness and premature death in the modern dog and cat. In December 1995, the British Journal of Small Animal Practice published a paper contending that processed pet food suppresses the immune system and leads to liver, kidney, heart and other diseases. This research, initially conducted by Dr Tom Lonsdale, was researched further by the Australian Veterinary Association and proven to be correct.”


Christina Chambreau, DVM
“I don’t believe it is possible for cats to be truly healthy when living on commercial foods for a long period of time. This belief came about after contrasting the condition of house cats with feral cats who have access to adequate prey.”


William Pollak, DVM
“Eating supermarket pet foods is like eating cardboard.”


Dr. Ian Billinghurst, DVM
“The sad truth is that prepared pet foods help provide patients for vets.”


William Pollak, DVM
“Survival is insured by commercial food; nothing more; not health, not the robustness for life.”


Vets on feeding the raw food diet

Dr. Charles E Loops, DVM
“The best diet is a raw food diet”


Christina Chambreau, DVM
“Meat should be raw. Cooking destroys enzymes & denatures the proteins rendering them less digestible to cats & dogs.”


Dr Susan Krakauer DVM
“Despite our domestication of the canine and feline and the fact that a Chihuahua may not look much like a wolf, the truth is that we haven’t changed their gastrointestinal systems. Cats and dogs are carnivores, designed to eat meat, bones and the intestinal contents of their prey.”


Nick Thompson BSc.(Hons), BVM&S, VetMFHom, MRCVS.
“Dogs should eat raw food – raw meat and bones, vegetables and fruit. If they were meant to eat processed, sterilised food, they would have evolved with tin openers instead of dew claws.”


Dr. Tom Lonsdale, DVM
“Raw meaty bones promote health.”


Quote from Dr. Wysong’s web page.
“The very best way to feed pets is to turn them loose to eat their natural prey.”


Dr. Tom Lonsdale, B.Vet.Med.
“Dingoes and feral cats keep themselves healthy by eating whole carcasses. The closer you come to this ideal for pet dogs and cats the better.”


William Pollak, DVM
“Health is an inevitable by-product of natural raw foods for our pets.”


Christina Chambreau, DVM
“Dogs and cats need raw meat to be really healthy and even the best processed foods cook their good ingredients, & most commercially available foods, even the expensive ones, use the cheapest ingredients (that means dead, diseased and decaying meat & by-products).”


Dr. Ian Billinghurst, DVM, Give Your Dog A Bone, pg. 135.
“Raw chicken does of course carry bacteria, E.g. – Salmonella. These are of absolutely no consequence to a healthy dog.”


Kymythy Schultze, CCN, AHINatural Nutrition for Dogs & Cats, The Ultimate Diet, pg. 15.
“Salmonella has even been found in samples of commercial pet foods & treats. Bacteria is not a problem for a pet with a strong immune system, & a strong immune system is encouraged by eating species-appropriate raw food.”


Dr. Donald Strombeck, Phd, DVM
Dr. Donald Strombeck, Phd, DVM, tells us “if salmonella really is a problem, then we should be just as concerned with processed pet food”. He states that “Salmonellae has been found in commercial pet foods, something the public never learns.”


Dr. Tom Lonsdale, DVM, Raw Meaty Bones, p. 291.
“As the natural pet food industry increases, so the artificial industry, together with its harmful effects, should go into decline… No more slurping of canned stew, no more rattle of dry pellets; instead, the sounds of nature, the crunching of raw meaty bones.”

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