

hot and cold pets

Cool Cat or Hot Dog? Finding Balance with Food Energetics

Cool Cat or Hot Dog? Finding Balance with Food Energetics “Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates What is Food Energetics? Food energetics is the concept that specific foods can alter the flow of energy within the body, with either cooling or warming effects. These warming or cooling properties can …

Cool Cat or Hot Dog? Finding Balance with Food Energetics Read More »

Relieve the Itch with Nature’s Benadryl: Quercetin

Relieve the Itch with Nature’s Benadryl: Quercetin Allergies in Dogs and Cats have become an epidemic. Veterinary clinics are being flooded with patients of allergy symptoms and nearly half of all dogs you meet have some sort of food restriction. Often times allergies are due to a particular food and once the culprit is found, …

Relieve the Itch with Nature’s Benadryl: Quercetin Read More »

Hot spot Blog

Hot Spots, what are they and where do they come from?

Hot Spots; What are they and where do they come from? Hot spots are one of the more misunderstood problems that tend to surface on our pets. They are created when your dog’s natural bacteria overpopulates parts of his skin. Hot spots often occur in dogs with under performing immune systems and more often than …

Hot Spots, what are they and where do they come from? Read More »

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