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Bulk Bison Testicles – from $8.95/lb


Testicles provide a wide variety of B vitamins, particularly vitamin B12. Size will vary, but are on average 170-210g each.

2lbs (average 4-6 testicles) = $9.95/lb

5lbs (average 10-15 testicles) = $8.95/lb


Earn up to 45 Points.

Bison Testicles are a great complement to your pet’s diet to add a nutritious boost, or you can use them as part of the secreting organ content in homemade diets. Testicles provide a wide variety of B vitamins, particularly vitamin B12.

When making your own food at home, it is recommended to feed 10% organ meats (5% which should be liver, and 5% other secreting organs such as testicles), or you can feed as a snack or treat a couple times a week.

Introducing organs can sometimes be tricky and some pets will refuse to eat them, although there are ways to encourage eating organs for even the pickiest eaters!
  • Small Chunked Mixture: Cut organs into very small chunks and create a muscle meat mixture with the organ cubes. As your pet begins eating the mixture, slowly introduce larger chunks of organ and less of muscle meat until the pet is eating organs in whole cuts.
  • Frozen Portion Servings: Prep organs into individual portion sizes and freeze to feed. Additionally, blend all organs into a paste, divide into ice trays, to freeze into cubes. Slowly provide less frozen portions until the pet is eating thawed out servings.
  • Grind & Hide: Organs are soft enough to grind them at home even if you do not own a grinder. Dice up partially frozen organs then put in a food processor to blend. Mix in ground meat, bone broth, kefir or veggies to encourage eating. Phase-out blended organs into small chunks.
  • Lightly Sear: The absolute last resort is lightly searing the outside and the middle must remain raw. Organs are highly affected by cooking, though the sear will encourage eating. Slowly phase out the searing until the pet is eating raw organs.
Nutritional Data

The amount of calories, protein, fat, and carbs are based on 1oz (28g) – please note this is approximate as this is based on lamb testicles, but will be similar.

Moisture 74%
Protein 22%
Fat 4%
Carbohydrate 0%

Data Source

Top nutrients based on 1oz (28g) – please note this is approximate as this is based on lamb testicles, but will be similar.

Vitamin B12  9.89 mcg
Sodium  119 mg
Chloride  119 mg
Vitamin B1  0.315 mg

Data Source



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