Pork Femurs are a long-lasting recreational bone suitable for most sizes of pets. The marrow can be rich especially for pets that are new to bones, so we recommend feeding the pork femur in moderation, or reduce the meal portion on the days where you give them one of these awesome bones.
These bones are about 6-8 inches in length. Because of their size, this is a great starter bone for smaller dogs who haven’t had raw bones before. The larger bone will eliminate the risk of a dog thinking that it’s just a big biscuit and trying to swallow it whole. For more information on feeding your dog raw bones, check out our blog post!
True Carnivores believes in Raw Bones. It is one of the building blocks for your dogs nutrition. As importantly, it is essential for strong bones and clean teeth.
IMPORTANT: True Carnivores recommends that you are present during the feeding of all bones to ensure your dogs safety. Always choose an appropriately sized bone (the bigger the better) to avoid the chance of your dog swallowing it whole. Otherwise, have fun with it! Bones are an important part of any dogs raw food diet for beautiful teeth, not so bad breath, and something rewarding to pass the time. Your dog will surely have a bone to pick with you if you leave these out!